How to get some great last minute holiday deals

How to get some great last minute holiday deals

One of the impacts of the COVID pandemic is that holidaymakers are making their holiday plans much more last minute. With restrictions on travel changing all the time, many prefer to leave booking their holidays until just before they are due to travel, safe in the knowledge that they will be able to actually head away.

Last minute does often mean lower prices. Whilst flights and car hire prices don’t tend to be good value last minute, you can usually get a good deal on your holiday rental. So, given the squeeze that the recent pandemic has also had on many people’s finances, how do you go about finding that great deal which means you can still have a Summer holiday without breaking the bank? Where is the best place to start looking?

As a general rule, flight prices only tend to get more expensive the nearer you get to your travel dates. However, even travelling last minute, you will often find that weekend flights command a premium so try and travel mid week instead. Or be prepared to take the flight that takes off late at night or first thing in the morning. They are often cheaper and, being flexible like this could save you a lot of money!

Also consider the time of year that you are travelling. If not restricted by school holidays, try and travel outside peak holiday time. There can be a big difference in price between that last week in August and the first week in September but the weather won’t be much different!

Even if flight prices are higher last minute, you can easily offset flight costs with a great deal on your accommodation. Last Summer, Bookings For You had discounts of up to 40% on some of their villas in Italy. Self catering holidays in villas can certainly be a great last-minute option. After all, having the choice of being able to cook for yourself will also save money on constantly having to eat out all the time.

Many companies will highlight deals that are available but if it doesn’t look like the property you want is on offer, don’t be afraid to ask your travel company for a discount. You may well find that they can still give you a great deal. Even if they can’t reduce the price as much as you would like, they may throw in some added extras in order to ‘clinch the deal.’

Another way of getting more for your money is to look at staying longer. You can often get a better deal on a 2 week stay than a 1 week stay for example.

And finally, take time to research the area. Make sure you’re not going to be spending a fortune during your holiday and therefore offset any of those pre holiday savings you made. Any good travel company should be able to advise you on factors such as the average cost of eating out at your chosen destination. Also think about whether the property location will require you to hire a car or take taxis to reach ‘the action’. Sometimes, it can be worth paying a little bit extra for a location that means you can use public transport and easily walk to things to see and do.

However, all this research is well and good but one of the most crucial things is to also remember that great deals will get snapped up quickly! So get the research done quickly and efficiently and don’t take too long to decide otherwise you may find that someone else has snapped up that great offer before you!

If you fancy a great last minute deal to Italy, check out the special offers currently available from Italy villa rental specialists, Bookings For You.
