What to wear on holiday in Italy

What to wear on holiday in Italy

We are always reading questions in online forums concerning what people should wear for a holiday in Italy. It seems to be a question that can give sleepless nights to lots of holidaymakers. The good news is that you don’t need to worry. Yes – Italian style is definitely chic and Italy is, without doubt, known for its fashion. The country is home to world famous designers such as Gucci, Prada, Dolce and Gabbana and Versace, and Italy’s fashion industry places a strong emphasis on quality, craftsmanship and attention to detail. Italians are also very fashion conscious and tend to take pride in their appearance, so much so that dressing well can almost be an art form in Italy.

Dressing in Italy is all about La Bella Figura. In the simplest of terms, this concept is about making a good impression. It’s not necessarily about wearing the most modern of clothes and the latest fashion but more about taking care of your appearance. Clothes should be well looked after and neatly pressed and you should look well groomed and tidy.

That said, there is no need for you to feel you have to blend in with the locals when it comes to your clothing. And you definitely don’t need to go and purchase a whole new wardrobe ahead of your villa holiday in Italy. However, if it will make you feel more comfortable to look like the locals, it will certainly do no harm. Whilst Italy is a safe country, like anywhere, petty crime does take place including pickpocketing. And some do argue that, by dressing appropriately, you will minimise the chances of falling victim to these criminals.

In short, whilst holidaymakers definitely shouldn’t worry about what to wear on holiday in Italy (the Italians you meet won’t care!), before packing your suitcase, there are a few considerations to be aware of. So here are our top tips.

City stay versus country living

The first of these considerations is where in Italy you are travelling to. Italy is a diverse country and what you will need to pack for your Italian holiday will inevitably vary dependent on what your holiday plans are. Deciding what to wear on holiday in Italy should largely be based on where you are traveling to. If you’re enjoying a city break in Italy, then you may want to consider that in major cities such as Florence, Rome and Milan, Italians tend to dress more formally. Certainly, business attire in Italy remains much more formal post COVID than here in the UK where office wear has become much more relaxed. If you want to blend in, you might therefore want to consider packing stylish but comfortable clothing that falls into the smart-casual category. Just be mindful that if you’re sightseeing in the Summer months, temperatures in Italy’s cities can soar, so make sure what you’re wearing will also keep you as cool as possible. Italians often look so good because their clothes are so beautifully tailored and fitted so if you want to blend in, opt for clothes that fit well rather than opting for oversized and baggy. In contrast, for those staying in the Italian countryside, you can easily go for a much more relaxed wardrobe. Think lightweight fabrics and natural fabrics.

Opt for sensible footwear

Irrespective of whether you’re enjoying a holiday in Italy in the countryside or in the city, you should always make sure that you have packed stylish and fashionable but sensible footwear. Your shoes should perhaps be the beginning of your decision making on what to wear on holiday in Italy. Italians take as much care in their choice of footwear as they would any other clothing garment. That said, Italy is, without doubt, a country best explored on foot and so you’ll find yourself walking for hours exploring the streets of Italy’s cities or the charming alleyways of its rural towns and villages. Many of these streets are cobbled and many can be steep. Choose a fashionable and stylish sneaker if you want to blend in and not something on your feet that you would be seen heading to the gym wearing. Definitely don’t opt for flip flops!

Day versus night

Another thing you will find is that Italian attire can vary dependent on the time of day. Whilst in the UK, attire for attending a theatre or concert performance has become much more casual in the last few years, Italians will still tend to dress up for the occasion. Ladies can opt for an elegant dress or smart trousers and blouse, accompanied with a pair of heels. Accessorise with a stylish bag or some statement jewellery for an added touch of glitz and glamour. Men should opt for smart trousers, a tailored shirt and a smart jacket.


Accessorising your wardrobe

If visiting in the Summer months, always make sure you’ve got your sunglasses with you and you may want to bring a hat for protection from the sun. In the Winter, opt for a scarf to add a bit of glitz to your outfit.

Be respectful

Italy is a strict Roman Catholic country and it is important that visitors respect local customs. There are numerous religious sites to admire and visit in Italy and, when doing so, it is important that holidaymakers are respectful. Shorts and skirts should sit on or below the knee and shoulders should be covered. The rules apply to both men and women alike. If it helps, you can carry a shawl or scarf to cover you up when needed.

Don’t overpack!

Just as important a consideration as to what to wear on holiday in Italy is how much to bring. You will thank me for this when you’re lugging your case from the train station to your hotel or from the taxi to your Italy villa rental! Italy’s streets are often cobbled and uneven whilst Italy’s towns and villages are often found atop hills. Make sure you can easily carry your case from A to B. In short, pack with a capsule wardrobe mentality and use packing cubes. Opt for a hybrid suitcase that can be pulled on wheels and carried on your back. Our favourites is Cabin Max’s Manhattan. It has cleverly designed pockets and dividers and a soft shell making it ideal to squeeze into overhead storage lockers. For kids, we love the Mini-Max. This has many of the features of the Manhattan but is small enough for children to carry themselves. 

Be beach ready!

Italy can boast around 7500 km of beautiful coastline so make sure you’re beach ready for your Italian holiday. Even if staying inland, you may be able to enjoy one of Italy’s inland lakeside beaches. Italians do tend to look super stylish on the beach so pick out some stylish swim trunks or a fashionable swimsuit or bikini to take with you on your travels. It’s also worth putting a tote bag in your luggage which you can use as a beach bag for days spent on the coast and, of course, don’t forget the all important sun tan lotion to keep your skin safe. We love P20 sun screen. It’s great only to have to think about application once and it’s the most water-resistant solution we’ve found so far.

Keep warm!

The Italians always seem to get wrapped up for Winter far earlier than the rest of us. I am no longer surprised if I see an Italian in a puffer jacket or coat when it’s still 20 degrees outside! If travelling in the shoulder months, be aware that temperatures can still drop at night and make sure you layer up or bring a smart jacket for when it does get cool.

