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Museums in Umbria

With such a rich cultural heritage, visitors to Umbria are spoilt for choice in terms of museums to visit. We have listed some of those on offer here, but we certainly don’t claim to have managed to put together an exhaustive list of what is on offer!

History of the Olive Musuem, Trevi

As the name suggests, the musuem is dedicated to educating visitors about the history and symbolic significance of the olive and the production of olive oil. Opening hours do vary depending on the time of year but, as a general rule, they are always closed over lunchtime.

Museo della Civilta dell’ Olivo, Trevi

This musuem documents the secular history of Trevi.

Palazzo Lucarini Contemporary Art Gallery, Trevi

This holds temporary exhibitions of contemporary art.

Palazzo Trinci, Foligno

This houses both an archaelogical museum, containing Roman artefacts, as well as an art gallery, housing works from the 14th to 16th centuries.

Embroidery Museum, Valtopina

Opened since 2007, the museum houses dresses, shirts, hats and other items of clothing dating from the 18th century up to the first half of the 20th century.

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